May 28 - New Mini-Cruise #10

This mini-Cruise is called the African Intensive. It is 11 nights and we have 7 sea days. It is from Cape Town South Africa to June 7th, which is actually a day at sea. I can't wait to see how they are going to process us to the next mini-cruise. Obviously we won't be losing or getting any sea.

It is one of three mini-cruises in Segment #3, which has been relabeled as the Africa and Southern Europe Cruise

We started a new round of Progressive Trivia and we actually have a chance to win, only because the "professional" have decided to take an independent journey. I'll take the win anyway I can get it. We have the same team, however we changed our name. We are now call the Trebek Rejects. Cool, huh?

It was also time to say good-bye to one of my table mates. Gabrielle, she is the one sitting next to me. Sue and Pam are still at my table

I finally got a hair appointment. You see they haven't had my color for 2 months.
They really still don't so I've decided to go a little darker. We'll see how that works out tomorrow. 


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