February 26 - Papeete, Tahiti

 Good Morning Tahiti, we have arrived.
Did you know Tahiti is actual two connected islands, Tahiti-Nui and Tahiti-Iti

I headed out on the Tahitian Natural Treasures Tour.
Papeete is the biggest city in the Polynesian Islands. 
It felt like the Honolulu of Islands.

We saw churches 

and the Crown Mountain

And a couple of unique structures

We went to Mahina. Known for the Oldest lighthouse (1867) in the south pacific. 

Which was designed by Robert Louis Stevenson's father.
Even the plaque didn't provide a name, only referred to him as "my father"

There was also a monument to all the islands with dates they were discovered.

We visited a couple of black sand beaches


Had banana bread and a beer at a Gauguin Restaurant which overlooked Moorea

The water was so crystal clear.

And visited a Botanical (water) Garden

Don't ask me the names of the flowers, because, I really didn't take notes

There are small islands (Mutos) off the coast which are privately own. 
And only family members can go there.

When we got back to the Ship, Diana and I did a little walk around sightseeing.
The Marina. A nice place to harbor. 

We tried tried to get the owner's attention, but to no avail.

Then we had a little fresh fish and beer at the local Fish n' Chill

We had another Folkloric show and this by far was the best!

I learned two things; 1) if I come back it will be to Moorea not Tahiti and 2) boy, have I lost my tan. Being out an about in the tropics these last 2 days I realized how white I am. Well don't expect much posting over the next couple of days, as I will be out sun bathing. 🌞


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